书号 |
书名 |
实际册数 |
码洋(元) |
7-5387-1572-X |
找乐 |
1 |
29.20 |
7-5075-1206-1 |
枪,或以梦为马 |
1 |
16.00 |
7-5387-1572-X |
骚动的香巴拉 |
1 |
24.80 |
7-5063-1950-0 |
明明白白 |
1 |
15.00 |
7-5387-1572-X |
北京有个金太阳 |
1 |
27.80 |
7-02-002475-0 |
围城.2版 |
1 |
16.00 |
7-5313-2674-4 |
寻找妻子古菜花 |
1 |
19.00 |
7-5313-2502-0 |
欲罢 |
1 |
18.00 |
7-5039-2864-6 |
请你表扬 |
1 |
18.00 |
7-5322-3617-X |
玻璃 |
1 |
24.00 |
978-7-5332-5485-8 |
鲜花手术 |
1 |
19.90 |
7-80142-396-8 |
水与火的缠绵 |
1 |
18.00 |
7-214-03393-3 |
虚构的热情 |
1 |
28.00 |
978-7-5039-4641-7 |
鸟看见我了 |
1 |
25.00 |
978-7-5396-4641-1 |
少儿不宜 |
1 |
28.00 |
978-7-5063-4647-4 |
笨花 |
1 |
33.00 |
7-5313-2820-8 |
人面桃花 |
1 |
28.00 |
7-5302-0707-5 |
大家美文:《美文》杂志年度精选 |
1 |
25.00 |
7-225-02090-0 |
透明的红萝卜:莫言中短篇小说精选 |
1 |
25.80 |
7-5063-2892-5 |
戴女士与蓝 |
2 |
36.00 |
7-5329-2487-4 |
龙华的桃花 |
1 |
29.00 |
7-5014-2648-1 |
红处方 |
1 |
24.00 |
7-5340-1606-1 |
青花和马爹利:朱文颖VS陈淑霞 |
1 |
28.00 |
7-02-004233-3 |
拯救乳房 |
1 |
20.00 |
7-02-005350-5 |
叔叔的故事 |
1 |
9.00 |
7-02-005363-7 |
美食家 |
1 |
9.00 |
7-02-005359-9 |
棉花垛 |
1 |
9.00 |
7-5014-2462-4 |
血玲珑 |
1 |
18.00 |
7-5008-2670-2 |
一腔废话 |
1 |
19.00 |
7-5442-1666-7 |
渴望激情 |
1 |
20.00 |
7-222-03420-X |
蛇为什么会飞 |
1 |
18.00 |
7-5378-2227-1 |
我的帝王生涯 |
1 |
8.00 |
7-5399-1920-5 |
妇女生活 |
1 |
15.00 |
7-02-003325-3 |
苏童 |
1 |
25.00 |
7-222-03139-1 |
怀念声名狼藉的日子 |
1 |
16.80 |
7-5039-2017-3 |
走向诺贝尔:当代中国小说名家珍藏版,格非卷 |
1 |
24.50 |
978-7-5063-3846-2 |
山河入梦 |
1 |
25.00 |
7-02-002990-6 |
格非 |
1 |
22.00 |
7-02-004928-1 |
白鹿原.2版 |
1 |
31.00 |
7-5063-2322-2 |
周渔的火车 |
1 |
23.00 |
7-80130-704-6 |
愤怒 |
1 |
22.80 |
7-5313-2695-7 |
受活 |
1 |
27.00 |
7-5387-1658-0 |
2001年中国小说排行榜,中、长篇小说卷 |
1 |
19.90 |
7-02-003104-8 |
铁凝 |
1 |
23.00 |
7-5313-2221-8 |
大浴女 |
1 |
20.00 |
7-5387-0993-2 |
真实的日子.2版 |
1 |
25.00 |
7-02-003074-2 |
池莉 |
1 |
19.80 |
7-5399-1464-5 |
口红 |
1 |
19.80 |
978-7-5399-1464-0 |
池莉最新文集 |
1 |
24.80 |
7-5006-4940-1 |
有了快感你就喊 |
1 |
16.00 |
7-5313-2672-8 |
莫合烟 |
1 |
20.00 |
7-208-04249-7 |
敬畏苍天 |
1 |
22.00 |
7-222-03940-6 |
大河 |
1 |
20.00 |
7-222-03403-X |
我是你爸爸 |
1 |
15.80 |
7-5075-1230-4 |
第二届鲁迅文学奖获奖作品丛书,短篇小说 |
1 |
16.00 |
7-02-004886-2 |
沉重的翅膀.2版 |
1 |
19.00 |
7-5354-2728-6 |
作女 |
1 |
20.00 |
7-5387-1982-2 |
另一种阳光 |
1 |
22.00 |
7-5313-2421-0 |
夏日落 |
1 |
10.00 |
7-02-004410-7 |
阎连科 |
1 |
30.00 |
7-5313-2668-X |
日光流年 |
1 |
28.00 |
7-5321-2948-9 |
丁庄梦 |
1 |
20.00 |
7-5313-2478-4 |
拐弯的夏天 |
1 |
16.00 |
7-5080-2014-6 |
云破处 |
1 |
22.00 |
7-80050-982-6 |
世纪之门 |
1 |
24.80 |
7-5075-1253-3 |
雾月牛栏 |
1 |
18.00 |
7-5613-2181-3 |
三毛经典文集 |
1 |
28.00 |
7-5399-1969-8 |
格里格海的细雨黄昏 |
1 |
28.00 |
7-5302-0737-7 |
踏着月光的行板 |
1 |
13.80 |
7-5313-2748-1 |
说吧,房间 |
1 |
24.00 |
978-7-5360-4914-7 |
定西孤儿院纪事 |
1 |
25.00 |
7-5063-1021-X |
米尼 |
1 |
23.30 |
7-5039-2082-3 |
文工团:王安忆小说 |
1 |
19.00 |
7-5404-2422-2 |
富萍 |
1 |
15.00 |
7-5387-0148-6 |
小城之恋.3版 |
1 |
13.00 |
7-222-03585-0 |
我没有自己的名字 |
1 |
22.00 |
978-7-5063-4661-0 |
男人的风格 |
1 |
23.00 |
7-5329-1586-7 |
习惯死亡 |
1 |
22.00 |
7-80127-650-7 |
青春期 |
1 |
15.80 |
978-7-5063-4868-3 |
越过云层的晴朗 |
1 |
20.00 |
7-5329-2317-7 |
口供 |
1 |
30.00 |
7-5321-1854-1 |
隐居的时代:王安忆中短篇小说集 |
1 |
18.50 |
7-5378-2225-5 |
69届初中生 |
1 |
16.00 |
7-5063-0957-2 |
长恨歌.5版 |
1 |
20.00 |
7-5442-1744-2 |
剃度 |
1 |
18.00 |
7-02-004700-9 |
2005短篇小说 |
1 |
26.00 |
7-5321-2689-7 |
平原上的歌谣 |
1 |
19.00 |
7-02-003006-8 |
歇马山庄 |
1 |
24.00 |
978-7-02-009760-9 |
西洲曲 |
1 |
25.00 |
7-02-005332-7 |
我的丁一之旅 |
1 |
27.00 |
0446671916 |
Who will run the frog hospital? |
1 |
86.00 |
9780976298380 |
Stray |
1 |
108.00 |
0690012101 |
Beaumarchais The Man Who Was Figaro |
1 |
108.00 |
0440383374 |
Silences |
1 |
33.00 |
0873529758 |
MLA handbook for writers of research papers |
1 |
107.00 |
9780941964593 |
Conjunctions 43, Beyond Arcadia |
1 |
108.00 |
9780941964609 |
Conjunctions 44, An Anatomy Of Roads: The Quest Issue |
1 |
108.00 |
9780941964630 |
Conjunctions 47, conjunctions 25th anniversary |
1 |
108.00 |
9780465031337 |
It's even worse than it looks how the American constitutional system collided with the new politi... |
1 |
187.00 |
9780804119184 |
Anne Tyler a patch work planet |
1 |
54.00 |
7-5313-2951-4 |
传说中的宝藏:残雪短篇小说代表作 |
1 |
15.00 |
7-5063-2812-7 |
从未描述过的梦境:残雪短篇小说全集 |
1 |
19.50 |
7-5404-3093-1 |
为了报仇写小说:残雪访谈录 |
1 |
22.00 |
7-5404-1851-6 |
残雪文集 |
4 |
82.00 |
7-105-03756-3 |
黄泥街 |
1 |
12.80 |
7-105-03757-1 |
通往心灵之路 |
1 |
13.80 |
7-105-03758-X |
黑色的舞蹈 |
1 |
13.80 |
7-105-03755-5 |
思想汇报 |
1 |
13.20 |
7-80640-669-7 |
五香街 |
1 |
23.00 |
7-5014-2974-X |
王小二同学的爱情 |
1 |
22.00 |
7-105-03759-8 |
在幽冥的王国里 |
1 |
12.80 |
7-5442-1096-0 |
活着 |
1 |
12.00 |
7-108-02176-5 |
离异的人 |
1 |
26.00 |
7-108-00671-5 |
射雕英雄传.2版 |
4 |
76.80 |
0151398585 |
The heat of Ramadan |
1 |
36.00 |
9781559702164 |
Fields of Glory a novel |
1 |
97.00 |
0679435751 : |
Open secrets : stories. |
1 |
165.00 |
9780723246763 |
The Tale Of Beatrix Potter |
1 |
50.00 |
7-5063-2812-7 |
从未描述过的梦境:残雪短篇小说全集 |
1 |
19.50 |
9781439182710 |
A Moveable Feast |
1 |
115.00 |
067972463X |
The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas |
1 |
100.00 |
0802713122 |
Longitude the true story of a lone genius who solved the greatest scientific problem of his time |
1 |
79.00 |
9780451526717 |
Great Expectations |
1 |
36.00 |
0385506821 |
Queen of dreams : a novel / 1st ed. |
1 |
158.00 |
0375758232 |
Paris to the moon |
1 |
108.00 |
9780375726101 |
When We Were Orphans |
1 |
58.00 |
9780345395337 |
Eater of Souls |
1 |
43.00 |
978-1-74179-901-9 |
Shanghai/ |
1 |
201.30 |
0140298436 |
Memories of a pure spring |
1 |
94.00 |
1-86450-373-4 |
Laos/ |
1 |
122.30 |
0-393-00832-0 |
Laos/ |
1 |
35.60 |
0515078816 |
Colour scheme |
1 |
29.00 |
0-671-47256-9 |
Meridian/ |
1 |
28.40 |
0679438890 |
Original sin. |
1 |
58.00 |
0-553-21176-5 |
A tale of two cities/ |
1 |
35.60 |
7-5340-1607-X |
管你爱不爱:陈染VS申玲 |
1 |
28.00 |
9780060931803 |
The Map That Changed the World William Smith and the birth of modern geology |
1 |
100.00 |
9780865471184 |
West with the night |
1 |
108.00 |
978-0-307-27826-5 |
The lowland : a novel/ |
1 |
114.70 |
9780571168439 |
The Children of Men |
1 |
65.00 |
978-0-8129-7636-6 |
The lowland : a novel/ |
1 |
107.90 |
385474555 |
No longer at ease. |
1 |
57.00 |
978-0-8129-7636-6 |
Girl with a pearl earring/ |
1 |
93.50 |
0060505230 |
From the land of green ghosts a Burmese odyssey |
1 |
100.00 |
0425152499 |
Practical magic |
1 |
50.00 |
0-679-74898-9 |
The ghost writer / |
1 |
79.10 |
0-345-42606-1 |
By the light of my father's smile : a novel / |
1 |
151.07 |
0671709909 |
the devil's mode |
1 |
20.00 |
0-06-097147-9 |
The all of it / |
1 |
79.10 |
0-205-19158-4 |
The elements of style / |
1 |
42.80 |
978-988-18956-8-4 |
秋風秋雨 |
1 |
70.00 |
9781585730018 |
Insight Guide Burma/Myanmar |
1 |
172.00 |
The Odyssey |
1 |
15.00 |
9780739466599 |
A Thousand Years of Good Prayers stories |
1 |
143.00 |
0671776975 |
A River Runs Through It and other stories |
1 |
36.00 |
9780449907481 |
A thousand acres |
1 |
108.00 |
1401300588 |
The tree bride : a novel / 1st ed. |
1 |
172.00 |
9781451693607 |
The marriage of opposites : a novel / First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition. |
1 |
115.00 |
375727345 |
House of sand and fog / |
1 |
101.00 |
Principles of mechanics |
1 |
0.00 |
The great American novel |
1 |
0.00 |
小计 |
168 |
7093.47 |
Dr. Karen Gernant 博士,美国南俄勒冈大学退休教授,福建师大文学院访问教授,汉学家,长期从事中国文学作品翻译与出版,旅居福州30多年。1987年担任俄勒冈大学与福建师范大学交换生项目联络员,退休后担任福师大访问教授。曾帮肋启动了两校教工交流项目,互派12名教工到对方学校访学,极大促进了两国的学术交流,帮助了福建师范大学更多的老师到美国学习和深造。1999年获福建省“友谊奖”荣誉称号(第一届)。长期从事中国文学作品翻译,积极推进中美文化的交流,其中翻译了多部被诺贝尔文学奖多次提名的中国作家残雪作品等。